Page d’accueil

The automated tool
to streamline your
KYC & AML process

Smart Oversight brings you the technology to reduce your compliance costs and workload.

Smart Oversight supports you with an easy solution
to comply with your KYC & AML obligations.

1. Search

One-click search on official sanctions lists & PEP and negative media with the exclusive Natural Language Processing algorithm

2. Analyse

Machine Learning mechanisms reducing false positive results with a user-friendly interface eases the case management

3. Generate

Advanced automated screening schedule and PDF reports for audit evidence

Our solutions



A cost-effective KYC & AML solution for small and medium-sized companies

  • Start screening in 2 minutes
  • Pay-as-you-go
  • No setup fee


A custom name screening solution to fit your processes.

  • Available in Saas or on-premise
  • Full integration in your IT environment
  • Fully customisable

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Do you need help choosing the right solution for your AML framework?

Our team would be glad to show you around and explore how Smart Oversight will help you save time and money.
